Dr. M. Fatima completed NPTEL course on “Fundamental of Artificial Intelligence”

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Dr. M. Fatima completed NPTEL course on “Fundamental of Artificial Intelligence”
Dr. Navneet kaur completed NPTEL course on “Fundamental of Artificial Intelligence”
Dr. Shalini sahay completed NPTEL course on “ Fundamental of Artificial Intelligence”
Dr. Uday Panwar published a book chapter on “Variants based Gate Modification (VGM) technique for reducing leakage power and short channel effect in DSM circuits", in “Advance MOS Devices and Its Circuit Applications”, CRC Press - Taylor & Francis on 20 th Nov 2023. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781032670270. ISBN 9781032670270. PP. 1-13.
Dr. Uday Panwar published a book chapter on “Measurement of back-gate biasing for ultra-low- power subthreshold logic in FinFET device", in “Advance MOS Devices and Its Circuit Applications”, CRC Press - Taylor & Francis on 20 th Nov 2023. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781032670270. ISBN 9781032670270. PP. 1-7.
Dr. Shalini Shahay reviewing the article ID 23 M-09-142 with title Automatic Detection and Counting of Fisheries Using Fish Images of Special Issue for Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal.
Prof. Priya Sharma complete NPTEL Certification Course on “Introduction to machine Learning”
Dr. M. Fatima Book Chapter is published in SCOPUS indexed Book, Wiley Publication Book Chapter Title is Overview of Resource Management for Wireless Ad Hoc Network” BOOK Name: Smart and Sustainable Approaches for Optimizing Performance of Wireless Networks in 2021