NBA accredited colleges Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh


In Sagar Institute of Research & Technology (SIRT), we work on innovative & practical works. It is primarily based on developing and offering practice opportunities to undergraduates for problem solving task which is fit for industrial requirements. Most of the projects are associated with industry and community.

Project enhances student’s abilities like situation analysis, teamwork and group skills, multiple assessment opportunity, presentation and interpersonal skills, creative thinking, develop problem solving skills and decision making.

Hackathon 2018

Smart India Hackathon - 2018

The team of SIRT is selected among top 200 teams (Rank 52nd) in India, for their innovative idea 'to develop a solution that links farmers & govt for effective management of water resources' in Smart India #Hackathon2018. Team SIRT would receive up to Rs. 25 Lakhs from GoI to establish their own Start-Up.
RF Signals

Transmitting Power Prototype

This project includes the techniques of transmitting power without using wires which Includes resonating inductive coupling in sustainable moderate range, RF signal radiated from various devices at home and heat dissipated from household appliances. This prototype as a whole gives an effective, high performance techniques which can efficiently transmit the power to the required area varying in distances.
Earthen Dam

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is a penetration test for evaluation of the mechanical strength of natural ground, sub-grades and base courses beneath new carriageway construction. The basic site test is performed by measuring the pressure required to penetrate the soil. Students of CE Department developed a project to determine the CBR values of different soil used in the core material of Earthen Dam.

National Kart Racing Championships

Kart racing is a variant of open-wheel motor sport with small, four wheeled vehicles called go karts depending on the design. They are usually raced on scaled down circuits. Kart racing is commonly perceived as the stepping stone to the higher ranks of Motorsports. Students of ME Department designed "Go-Kart" for national kart racing championships as per the specifications given by NKRC.

GSM Systems In Greenhouse Applications

The monitoring and GSM systems and developed in this project is for use in greenhouse applications, where real time data on climate conditions and other environmental properties are sensed and control decisions are taken by monitoring system and they are modified by the automated system and sends SMS to users. Microcontroller displays these parameters on an LCD.
Induction Motor

Mechanical Jerk & High Electrical Stress

This project is designed to give a smooth start to the induction motor. The three phase induction motors during the initial starting condition draws up much higher current than its capacity and the motor instantly reach the full speed. This results in a mechanical jerk and high electrical stress on the windings of the motor. Sometimes the windings may get burnt. The induction motor should start smoothly and gradually catch up the speed for a safer operation.
Logic Gates

Interactive Digital Logic Simulator

This project is developed as an interactive digital logic simulator for teaching of logic design or testing simple digital designs. It features both low-level logic gates as well as high-level components, including registers and microprocessor emulator. This Simulator is a tool for experimenting with and learning about logic gates. This includes drag-and-drop gate layout and wiring, and students created integrated circuits.

Register! to study in Academic Session 2025-26.